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Aquarium Information Video (How Do I Clean Algae on a Fish Aquarium?)
How Do I Clean Algae on a Fish Aquarium? -- powered by ExpertVillage.com
Courtesy Of: Expert Village
Description: To clean the algae on a fish aquarium, try using algae magnets or algae-eating fish. Clean the algae from a fish aquarium with tips from the owner of a fish pet store in this free video on pet care.
Fishy love story breeds new Nemo
The outcome was the birth of a new breed of baby Nemos.
Aquarium head aquarist Glen Everson says it is very rare for two different types of clown fish to breed.
Aquarium Information Video
How Do I Change the Water in a Fish Aquarium? -- powered by ExpertVillage.com
Description: Fish aquarium water should be changed at least once or twice a month to keep pet fish healthy. Change the water in a fish aquarium with tips from the manager of a fish pet store in this free video on pet care.
Aquarium Video Courtesy Of: Expert Village
Putting science behind RI's ornamental fish industry
For decades international collectors discussed Indonesia's trade in ornamental fish only in hushed tones.
The environmental damage to the nation's marine reefs caused by stunning fish with illegal potassium cyanide had placed Indonesia's export of aquarium fish on the questionable practices list overseas while drawing much criticism from environmentalists and the fishing industry at home.
A group of marine biologists and divers, backed by government regulations, are now helping ornamental fishermen rethink their collection techniques, with environmental and economically sustainable results.
With training from the Indonesian Nature Foundation (LINI), aquarium fish harvesters in many parts of Indonesia are now using small-gauge nets to gather targeted fish species, allowing coral reef to replenish itself.
The soft nets reduce injury to the fish, which are again breeding well thanks to no-take zones. These serve as miniature marine reserves, allowing for breeding and a safe haven for fish agreed to by the fishermen.
Aquarium fish divers have often sprayed collectible fish with potassium cyanide to stun them, which also kills off the nearby coral. Unbridled use of potassium cyanide was killing off the very reefs which serve as the breeding ground and living habitat for many aquarium and food fish species. The harvesters were in effect killing the golden goose.
Aquarium News article courtesy of: The Jarkarta Post
This article is in brief. If you want see more of this article click here.
How to Buy Aquarium Fish : What Are The Most Popular Fish at Pet Stores?
Description: Learn which pet fish are most popular for your aquarium with tips from a goldfish expert in this free pet care video.
Courtesy Of: Expert Village
Beautiful but deadly

The Wildlife World Aquarium will not only feature exotic marine animals from all over the world but also educate visitors about the health of our oceans.
For example, one of the most elegant-looking and widely known among aquarium hobbyists the lionfish, also represents a serious threat to ocean ecosystems in the Caribbean where they are considered an invasive species. Due to human activities, these venomous fish, originally from the South Pacific Ocean, have proliferated and threaten to eliminate native Atlantic species of reef fish. It is another example of what can happen when an ecosystem’s balance is upset by the introduction of a new species with few or zero natural enemies to keep its population in check.
Scientists don’t yet know what the long-term effects of this exploding population of predators will have on Atlantic reef systems. One concern is the loss of herbivorous fish that normally keep the growth of algae in check. Thus, preventing the smothering of coral reefs (ScienceDaily.com).
Lionfish are distinguished by several long spines that can inject venom that is lethal to other fish. (The venom, while very painful, is rarely lethal for humans.)
In case you’ve not heard about the new Wildlife World Aquarium set to open in a few weeks, the 16-acre facility has three indoor exhibit buildings featuring sharks, stingrays, flamingos, crocs and more.
A log flume ride takes passengers around several primate islands and through a large aquarium tunnel filled with tropical Pacific reef fish. The project also includes a new zoo and aquarium entrance, two gift shops, paved parking, and the Tiburon Restaurant & Flamingo Lounge.
At opening, more than 150 new species will be added to the nearly 400 species already in the zoo and aquarium collection. The new animals will be spread over some 80 indoor and outdoor exhibits in a campus-like setting.
Aquarium News Article By Grey Stafford PHD
Aquarium News Article & Picture Courtesy Of: AZFamily.com & KTVK 3TV
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Aquarium Information Video
Aquarium Information Video Courtesy Of: Expert Village
Description: Start up your nitrogen cycle! Learn types of starter fish for a freshwater aquarium in this free instructional video clip.
Nothing fishy about his success
To cope with the stress of losing his business, the 48-year-old kept an aquarium of fish five years ago.
The hobby became his ticket back into the business world.
As the fish bred and multiplied, Zulkifli bought new aquariums and this caught the attention of the youth in his neighbourhood.
They began thronging his house in Kampung Jias Dewan Beta here to buy fish for their own aquariums.
It was then that he decided to go full-time into the aquarium fish-breeding business.
Now, the father-of-four is a successful aquarium fish-breeder with a farm and 15 ponds filled with various species of fish such as guppies and molly fish.
Instead of resting on his laurels, he is making big plans for the future, including developing an arowana farm at a one-hectare site in Gual Pasir, Rantau Panjang.
Zulkilfi has also started breeding the popular Betta splendens, or fighting fish, and the expensive discus fish.
He has had to hire four workers to help him out on the fish farm and has delegated the marketing to several agents.
"I sell to customers who come here, but the daily marketing is left to the agents, who open up stalls at farmers' markets and other public events.
"We sell more than 20,000 fish of various species monthly in the state, and it is still not enough.
The cheaper varieties are sold at 12 sen to 18 sen each to the agents, while the fighting fish go for RM2 to RM50 each.
The discus fish usually go for more than RM100 each.
Zulkifli's growing business has also attracted the attention of the Fisheries Department and the Kemubu Agricultural Development Authority, which has helped him to improve his farm and sent him for training.