
Hooked on Aquariums

Dave Unruh is waiting for a little hanky panky in his basement. But it's been three years. And still, he waits. He's pretty much done everything he can to set the mood for a little lovin'.

Luckily, Dave is a patient guy. Good thing. When it comes to breeding fish, especially those rather fussy wild-caught angel fish, he knows he simply can't rush nature.

About three years ago, he bought 10. Pterophyllum scalare they are. Eight survived and seem to delight in entertaining visitors with their graceful dances in their 500-litre tank .

He's researched them. Read about their likes and dislikes. And has done everything possible to please them.

He's dimmed the lights. He filters their water through peat moss to give it a tea-like tint to mimic their natural, South American environment. He's included stuff they like to hide in: ribbon-like grass and driftwood.

He even varies their diet to keep them content. Frozen bloodworms. Live red worms. And good-quality flaked food that he stores in his freezer for optimal freshness.

He fusses about things like water temperature and PH levels. Everything has to be just right.

He even has a piece of slate propped against one side of the tank because he read they like to lay eggs on a vertical, slanted surface.

To the human observer, they seem happy enough.

Problem is, they're just not in the mood for anything amourous.

Dave is pretty sure he's got a mix of males and females. Although, he admits with a smile: "I can't tell the difference."

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Courtesy Of The St. Catherines Standard

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